About us

Helping you put your best foot forward

A little bit about us…

Frontier Foot Clinic is a specialist podiatric clinic, focused on lower limb health. We use a holistic approach to healthcare of the lower limb, and employ an extensive network of other specialists including osteopathy, physiotherapy, myotherapy and surgical specialists to ensure you are provided with up to date through care for any concern you present with.

Our clinicians come from diverse backgrounds, and all have their own skill set and specialities, which you can read more about in their individual bios’, so please feel free to request a podiatrist specific to your needs when making a booking.

We provide customised foot orthoses, and have facilities for onsite adjustments, we stock Dr comfort to provide specialist footwear. We also provide adjunct therapies of mobilisation, shockwave, dry needling, prolotherapy, and kinetic strapping.


Get in touch

We at Frontier Foot Clinic know that finding the right podiatrist to help you is an important choice not to be taken lightly.

We also offer after hours appointments to fit in with your working schedule and commitments.

We have Hi-Caps so you can claim our consults directly with all major health funds. We also bulk-bill all GP Chronic Disease Management Plan referrals.

Make an appointment ▸


Our team



Samantha Hales BBMedSc, MPod Prac

Sam completed a Bachelor of Biomedical Science before going on to complete her Masters in Podiatry at LaTrobe University. Sam enjoys all aspects of Podiatry but has a specific interest in diabetes and how it affects the foot. Sam has been involved in the treatment of patients in both the private and public sector giving her a holistic approach to patients. She is also currently completing her registration for prescribing rights.

Outside of the clinic, Sam has an interest in netball and football.




Louise Maugeri, B.App.Sc (Med.Lab.Sc), BPod, MAPod

Louise initially graduated with a Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science in 2002, before completing a Bachelor of Podiatry in 2006 at LaTrobe University in Melbourne. Louise found she enjoyed patient interaction, and wanted a profession that involved regular consultation. Louise continues to work as a laboratory scientist at St Vincent’s Hospital, whilst working part time at Frontier Foot Clinic. Louise has worked as part of our team for over ten years, originally starting with Emma, at Faulkner Podiatry.

Louise is interested in all aspects of podiatry, particularly diabetic footcare, general podiatric care, biomechanical assessment and nail surgery.

Louise speaks Italian fluently and takes pride in her interpersonal relationships with patients and has built fantastic rapport over the last decade working with us. Louise is also an avid practitioner of Dry Needling and Shockwave Therapy for musculoskeletal complaints.



Bachelor of Podiatry in 2006

Past the Pedi…

• Louise has just just welcomed her first child, Alesseo, into the family
• Louise plays panio, and is also fluent in japanese!





Helen Nguyen, BPod

Helen graduated from LaTrobe in 2006 with a bachelor of podiatry and has worked mainly in private practice since graduating. Helen has recently completed a Certificate of Diabetes Education from Deakin University. Helen has an interest in diabetes and preventative medicine. Regularly attending professional development in the area of diabetes and chronic disease.

Helen works with us on Thursdays as she looks after her two young children. Helen is very patient focused and through with her care, a reflection of her interest in preventative medicine and training in diabetic care.



Bachelor of podiatry, 2006

I also like to…

  • Helen has two young children who take up most of her time

  • Helen loves to cook when she gets the time!




Song An‐Nguyen, BHSci, MPod Prac

Song Graduated from La Trobe University in 2016, and has been working with Frontier Foot Clinic since 2019, working at the Coburg and Niddrie Locations.